The world capital of salsa
This is how Cali pretends to sell itself, but we couldn’t care less as we were not planning to go out at night. Actually Lonely Planet says there’s not much to see in Cali. For us it was all new since this was our first point of contact in Colombia, so everything was interesting.

We also took the opportunity to get money (1 EUR is nearly 5000 COP pesos), a local SIM card to get internet (with CLARO, 6GB for 25000 pesos), and walk around the city. Simon thinks the city is a jungle because the trees are so high and the plant leaves are huge.

One of the highlights for the kids was the Cats park near the Cali river. We also got to see our very first Hummingbird, in a mini park next to a very busy intersection of all places!

The food is good and cheap. As usual Simon is willing to try everything, while Thomas needs more persuasion but in the end he also tries.

Building the bikes
We also took the chance to mount the bikes and ensure nothing had been damaged in the plane. Luckily everything was there and all the bikes and the trailer are ready to start cycling!

Maria Alonso
Me encanta la foto con la señal de Cali y Thomas dormido! jejeje
Sancocho de pescado!! Que delicia!!!!! Y que valiente Simon!! Probando cosas nuevas. Empieza muy bien!