We are Jose, Susanne, Simon and Thomas, a Spanish-German family. The bike has always been our tool for transportation but also a way to achieve freedom. We don’t have a car, so we can afford to live in a central location in our city, where parking is scarce and expensive, but everything is at walking distance.
We also love to travel, and we often use the bikes for it, as it’s cheap, slow, and flexible, all positives for us. We went for a cycle ride on our first date. We also spent a month cycling in Cuba on our honeymoon. Simon and Thomas could already ride a balance bike when they were barely two years-old, and pedal on their own shortly afterwards. They also love to ride on the child seat, take a nap on the trailer, or go fast on their own bikes.
We are currently doing the Panamericana. We will keep a journal of the trip here if you want to follow us or find information for your own trip.

Contact us:
We don’t have Facebook. Rather than criticizing social media for their negative effects, we prefer to opt out, even if that might mean less people finding us. You can see what we do here, and you can write us an email. Now we have created an Instagram account since many Argentinians hosting us wanted a way to keep in touch, so you can find us @utilitariancycling. Or even visit us whenever we are hosting again in Warmshowers.