Another Passivhaus in the beach capital of Argentina
After our visit to El Tigre, we got another invitation, this time to visit another newly certified Passivhaus in Mar del Plata. There are currently only 2 houses certified in Argentina, and we would be visiting both in less than a week!

Mar del Plata is about 400km south of Buenos Aires, and it’s a very popular place for summer holidays, mostly from Buenos Aires citizens.

It is well linked with a highway, and the city is packed with hotels, apartment towers, and many restaurants to cater for tourism. Because we were coming in winter, the city was much quieter and prices were not as crazy.

Paolo, the guy inviting us, owns with his family a company making aluminium windows, but he is also architect, so he decided to build a new house in Passivhaus standard for his father.

The house was still getting the last touches but it had already received the certification and is located in a private neighborhood south of the city.

As we are experiencing more and more often, we got an amazing hospitality from Paolo and his family. They invited us to stay in a very central hotel, they took us to their home for a delicious asado, and we were given a tour of the city.

We also visited some of the houses where he has installed windows, some of them belonging to some very important people in Argentina, with incredible views towards the coast.

For the return, we wanted to try again the Argentinian trains, but unfortunately the line was closed for 3 days so we had to take another bus. Luckily it was “only” a 5 hour ride back to Buenos Aires.

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Reiter, Olaf
Das sind ja unheimlich glückliche Familienbilder- und in was für einer tollen Umgebung.
Und das Du natürlich ganz Argentinien nach einem Passivhaus absuchst, ist natürlich auch klar!
Mir geht es auch sehr gut. Ich schwelge gerade im Kirchenneubau. 2 Kirchen werden dieses Jahr fertig und den Auftrag für eine dritte habe ich auch schon bekommen.
Herzliche Grüße aus dem grauen Dresden in das bunte Argentinien
Definitivamente, la mejor visita que hallan hecho. Haber visto Las passivehaus no tiene precio. Y estar en la tierra de Havanna….oooh que delicious!!!
Asi que conoces los alfajores de Havanna!? Veo que sabes lo que es bueno 🙂